Tuesday, September 29, 2009



从平时他对待你的态度,你大概可以猜测的到, 他多容易对事物失去耐心,多容易追求其他一些新鲜的刺激, 态度变冷时就很有可能是分手的徵兆。白羊男无法直接跟另一半说分手,一旦他心中决定分手时,就会用加班或者各式各样的借口避开跟另一半见面的机会,直到对方受不了主动追问为止。


这个座可是出了名的不安定, 在你爱上他的第一天就应该有这等觉悟,放他去,聪明温柔的当一个情人,也同时为自己找好退路,再看他会不会再热情消退时回家。双子男爱对方时会百般包容,对方的所作所为都是好的,一旦心中有萌生分手的念头时,对方的一切看在他眼中都不顺眼,而且会直接表达自己不满的情绪。





这个座的人爱憎分明,不怕死的他们,不爱你就是不爱你了,很少有其他的话,而且丝毫不会考虑你的感受,如果你聪明些就摸摸鼻子走人, 如果你要听理由,那绝对绝对会让你很难过的。沉醉在爱情中的天蝎男精神振奋情绪开朗, 但是当天蝎男想要变心时,想要离开情人的罪恶感让天蝎男情绪起伏十分强,以至于变的非常容易生气,对情人的耐心也比平日差。




在感情上Pisces双鱼座的人特别容易毫无防备的受人诱惑, 别人只要设好圈套,他便会乖乖的往里面跳,不过说谎的技巧太差又留下太多证据,很容易被识破,再来会逃避,他会躲到自己的梦里不愿意和你讨论这个问题。双鱼男变心时绝对不会当那个主动提分手的坏人,他会处心积虑的想办法让另一半抓到自己的小辫子,然后让对方受不了主动提分手,这样在下一段恋情中他依然可以维持自己痴情受害者的形象。




















































6 Things To Remember When Traveling With Your Partner

Going on holiday with a partner is the true test of a relationship. Here's how to get it just right.

What makes a perfect partner? Someone who wants to have sex first in the morning, never asks you to go shopping with her and renounces all rights so the remote control on Saturday afternoons? Maybe, but no relationship, no matter how erotically charged and compatible, is proven until your first holiday together.

Ah, the holiday, that breeding ground of vice and corruptibility. You go on holiday to relax, but unless you know exactly what you're getting into, going on holiday with a partner is likely to leave you more stressed than you were when you handed in your leave form.

There are sound reasons for couples fighting when they're on holiday. Because you're out of your familiar, everyday situation, holiday actually increase some stress levels. Also, because you've convinced yourself that you should be having a wonderful time during every second of your precious holiday small fights and irritations tend to get magnified. A lot of couples break up on holiday, over things that would not have mattered quite as much had they happened during their normal routine.

So if you are planning to go away with a partner - especially if it's the first time the two of you will be taking a trip together - follow these rules and perhaps you'll still want to look at each other when you return.

1. Make sure you both want go go to the same place - It's no use dragging her off to go hiking in the Himalayas if she'd far rather be lying on a beach in Thailand. If your idea of a good holiday is vastly different from hers, perhaps you shouldn't be together, or perhaps you should take separate holidays. Or you could compromise and choose a place that offers both your types of enjoyment (such as a resort where one of you can go scuba diving while the other lounges next to the pool with a book and a pina colada).

Of course you might not know what her interests and idiosyncrasies actually are until you get there and find yourself shuffling from monument to monument to examine ancient firesoes, despite your longing to examine an affable pub. Holidays show us sides of our partners that we didn't even suspect existed. That's why it's important to discuss you idea holiday before you book the hotel room. If you think she might be agreeing with your choice of destination only to please you, that's her problem, but give haer a chance to voice her preferences.

It is always more fun to do the things you love with a partner who loves the same things, but it's inevitable that there will be areas of common disinterest between you. Make it clear that you don't mind pursuing your quest for the tallest redwood on your own, and make sure she knows that you don't intend accompanying her on visits to Cambodian orphanages (unless you want to, of course).

2. Divide the money. Money and map navigation are the two most common causes of holiday tension. Money is perhaps more important because even if you're lost, you're still okay if you can afford a bed for the night.

No matter how compatible you might be in other spheres, in every couple there is a partner who is the spender. This is increased a hundred-fold when on holiday. The one with the more careful nature will shy away from impulse purchases, while the other spontaneously lashes out on memorabilia that you don't need and that doesn't fit into your suitcase.

Some couples try to prevent money fights by nominating one partner as holder of the resolve arguments by saying. "I'm the one in charge of the money and I say we can't have more than one ice cream a day" is only going to lead to acrimony. Even if one of you is financing the holiday - in fact, especially need to have access to your own money, or the power imbalance will lead to bitterness.

Workout the budget for the entire trip. Say accommodation is paid for, work out how much you'll need each day for food, and if one of you wants to exceed that budget on a particular day, then economize the next day. Divide your spending money in two and share it. Then, if one of you blows their entire allowance on a three-meter mahogany giraffe. It's only faire for the partner who still has money to dictate how it's spent.

3. No bagging the navigator- Democracy does not work when it comes to directions. Whether you've driving yourselves around or simply have to find taxis or stations in unfamiliar places, either draw lots or play roulette before you leave home to decide who will be in charge of navigation. Or split the duties, but when one of you is driving or reading a map, the other keeps his or her mouth firmly shut.

Talk about this before you go, otherwise you'll end up in a ditch when you slam on brakes in the pouring rain and shout, "Do you want to drive?" If she's driving don't say a word. And if you know she took a wrong turn, never admit later that you knew the right road to take all along.

Stick to this rule and there's a good chance you'll have a happy holiday and perhaps an entire life. The words "shouldn't you have turned left there?" have been the death knell of too many relationships.

4.Find out if she snores. It's seldom that a couple goes on holiday without first getting to know each other well, but it happens. You may have shared a bed, but do you know each other's bathroom? Does she know it takes you half an hour to do your hair? Has she done her morning yoga routine in front of you? Are you familiar with other's most irritating habits?

A first holiday can bring nasty surprises, if you discover on your fist night away that she grinds her teeth, it could ruin your trip. Alternatively you could be prepared for some irritation, and decide beforehand that, unless it's a non-negotiable violation of every value you hold dear, you will allow certain annoyances to wash over you.

Say you know each other quite well already and have learnt tolerate each other's curious habits. You could still find that being on holiday with her drives you nuts (or vice versa) because she thinks that being away means she doesn't have to be considerate of your needs as would be when you're both at home.

Being on holiday does mean you can relax, but it doesn't mean turning into a complete slob. If she doesn't clean up after you at home, don't expect her to do it when you're away. And if she thinks being on holiday gives her licence to use your razor on her legs, explain (gently) that it doesn't.

5.Don't combine buddies and new lovers - You have a friend with a pad in Manhattan who's been begging you to come and stay. "Bring your new girlfriend", he says. "You guys will have the best time here." No you won't. not if you've never been away together before and you want to spend a lot of time catching up with your old buddy. They might like each other and get along fine, but a first time holiday is about romance, and you're not going to get that when you're trying to divide your time and attention between a friend and a lover.

Perhaps neither of you is the romantic type and you're both quite keen on the idea of going away with other people. If these are mutual friends, no problem, but going away to meet someone whom only one of you knows isn't a good idea, don't do it if it's the first time the two of you will be spending time together.

You might also discover when on holiday that that one of you is more sociable that the other. She wants to invite those two couples you met on the train to join you for dinner; all you want to do is spend time alone with her. These are things you can't predict. All you can do is reasonably explain your desire to socialize - or your objections to talking to strangers - and try to reach a compromise.

6.If it all goes wrong.- There is no way to guarantee that your first holiday together will be fight - free, but you can stop fights from turning your holiday into a nightmare. It may sound stilted, but if you can face up to it, talk about how you'll deal with fights before you go away. Make a pact that neither of you will storm out, even if it means spending three days in silence. There's nothing more mortifying than returning home alone. Having the staying power to see it through gives you time

The Advantages of Learning English in School

The importance of learning English in a connected and globalized world environment cannot be overstated. It is the primary language of global communication, trade, commerce, diplomacy and foreign policy. Learning English in school will open up numerous opportunities and avenues to students in the American as well as the international marketplace

Learning a Globally Dominant Language
English is indisputably the most dominant global language. America's influence on international affairs and the primacy of its popular culture is responsible for the widespread acceptance of the English language worldwide. It is the most spoken official language in the world and is the native language of America. Learning
English in school will undoubtedly give a head start or advantage to students looking to make their way in America as well as the world.

Language of Higher Education
In universities in America, India, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, the primary language of instruction is English. In private colleges, community colleges and other higher institutes of advanced studies and learning in the U.S., English is used in every activity. Learning English in school will help students to pass entrance examinations and other tests required for admission and assimilate easily in these institutions of higher learning.

Language of the Digital Age
Children going to public and private schools all over America are part of the evolving Digital generation. Students are aware about and use computers, the Internet mobile phones, digital voice recorders and other technology-based tools and applications to aid and supplement their education pursuits. And while language-based technologies and allied software have facilitated use of languages other than English on the World Wide Web, English is still the dominant language used and widely preferred. The language of social media sites and applications, peer-to-peer and online education networks, websites, shareware is almost always English.

Develop Social Skills
School children are generally taken for a number of field trips, exhibitions, boot camps and projects to different states and even countries as part of their coursework and studies. They are encouraged to participate in inter-state competitions, sports fests and cultural festivals. Many students are also encouraged to participate in United Nations and affiliated bodies' sponsored competitions and international student exchange programs. Leaning and knowing how to speak English fluently will enable students to interact socially and positively in forums outside the protected environments of schools.

Employment Opportunities
Interviews for jobs, employment opportunities and career avenues that open up after graduation and post graduation are always conducted in English. English is the language used during interaction and engagement with career counselors and guides for career guidance and employment opportunities. Even employment opportunities during summer and winter vacations and part-time jobs available to students in various job settings and environments require felicity with spoken and written English. Employment opportunities also open up in other English speaking countries and the Commonwealth of Nations comprising of 50 plus countries of the erstwhile British Empire.


The lack of significant success in stemming drug use is almost always due, C. Lynn Fox and others (1987) say, "to an inadequate understanding of both a process and the content of a comprehensive planning and implementation model." They suggest identifying a team of interested, committed staff and community members to carry out the following five phases of a prevention and intervention plan:

* Needs Assessment-utilize surveys, interviews, pretesting,

and attention to contributory social norms and processes to gain

an understanding of root causes, degree, and characteristics of

local drug use.

* Planning Process-prioritize specific goals, organize methods,

and assign tasks.

* Implementation-educate parents, staff, and students; sponsor

drug-free activities; identify and refer substance abusers for

treatment; establish peer support and followup systems.

* Evaluation-examine pre- and post-student data and measure program


* Dissemination-inform the local community about the program and

request their input.

Among additional strategies for mounting an effective program, Hooper suggests that school leaders carefully evaluate their district's present policies; revise them or develop new ones, as necessary; "involve parents, law enforcement and health officials, drug treatment specialists," and others in shaping those policies; and vigorously enforce the policies. Also, she advises districts to "develop curricula that encourage students to 'say no' to drugs and alcohol."

How to save A money

1. STOP BUYING “STUFF”: If you don’t need something, don’t buy it — no matter how great the deal is. There’s no right price for something you don’t really need. Learn the typical promotional cycles-clearance sales in January (before the retailers’ fiscal year end), for example. Buy office products when the ones you need are on sale-plan ahead. Buy non-perishable holiday supplies after the holiday, and save money next year.

2. DIY (Do It Yourself) INSTEAD OF HIRING SOMEONE: Do the simple jobs yourself instead of hiring it done. Janitorial services charge more if you have them empty wastebaskets and replace liners every day. Few people fill wastebaskets daily, some don’t in a week. Tell everyone where the dumpster is and have them plan to dump their trash while on another trip. Ditto for window washing. It’s nice to have clean windows, but staying in business is nicer.

3. SHOP FOR BEST BANKING DEALS: Switch bank accounts to the places where they offer free, unlimited check writing, no fees on accounts, etc. Shop around and see whose deal is best. If you plan to keep a healthy balance in any account, ask where it can be parked to earn interest and swept to the checking account when needed.

4. USE EMAIL TO AVOID PHONE TAG: Use email to set up phone calls and avoid frustrating phone tag. Tell the person what you want to talk about, and whether you need a decision from them, information, or just a discussion.

5. PHOTO DOCUMENT MISHAPS: Use the camera on your cell phone to document mishaps. Photos of the damage, an accident, the site where it happened, etc. can be invaluable if a dispute arises or an insurance claim needs to be filed.

6. USE EMAIL WISELY: Don’t argue on email. It is damaging, counterproductive and usually escalates an argument instead of resolving it. Meet face to face (first choice) or talk person to person on the phone. Assume that you can and will resolve the argument and say so-that alone goes a long way to resolving it. Don’t print emails unless you need a hard copy for some good reason – it just wastes paper, ink, time and money.

7. PRIVATE LABEL GOODS ARE GOOD BUYS: Buy private label goods where the store guarantees them or will replace them with brand names if you are dissatisfied. Kroger and OfficeMax both do this. Wal-Mart will match any competitor’s advertised deal-but bring the ad along. Compare prices and learn who has the best deals, on what.

8. SHOP (& NEGOTIATE) GAS PRICES: Pay attention to which service stations seem to always have the best gas prices and plan fill ups. If there is a loyalty program with a grocery store, wait to fill up until you can use a discount for more gallons of gas. Negotiate with your favorite gas station if you are a heavy user, or have a fleet of vehicles. Ask for a discount-they are often available. Use the right grade of gas for best mileage and don’t be a “lead foot,” it’s not a race.

9. COMBINE SAVINGS WITH GIFT CARDS: Take advantage of gift cards sold in stores with such programs (Giant Eagle is one such chain). You can buy a $1,000 worth of stuff at Home Depot with two $500 gift cards purchased at Giant Eagle and save a lot on future gas purchases at Giant Eagle.

10. PLAN AHEAD - AVOID WASTED TRAVEL TIME & FUEL: Plan trips, in fact, plan all activities, to avoid doubling back or traveling further than necessary. Think of making a loop, hitting all the stops and ending up where you want to be. Arrange the pickups/dropoffs in an order that takes you out & back in the loop, not in & out, back and forth. You’ll save time, fuel, wear & tear on vehicles-and money.

11. GROUP SIMILAR TASKS: Accumulate similar tasks and do them in a group. Often the “make ready time” is a sizable part of the job, so whether its paying bills, returning calls, mailings, filing or whatever-group the work then “knock it out.” Assembly lines in plants are efficient because they combine work in the best way.

12. MINIMIZE SMALL TALK – e.g., HOW’S THE WEATHER: Small talk is nice, but it wastes time. Discussing the weather is the most common time waster. If you need to bond with someone ask about family, fun or favorite sports team. Otherwise, get on with business. That includes Texts and Twitter Tweets, unless there is a valid reason for them.

13. USE MEETING AGENDAS & TIMES: Don’t hold a meeting without an agenda, a time frame, and a statement of what is to be accomplished (information exchange, decision, next steps by whom and when, etc.) Take notes and record who will do what by when — then follow up. It’s a powerful time saving habit.

14. USE FEWER WORDS – GET TO THE POINT: Don’t write long letters or emails if short ones will do. Ditto voicemails. What’s the subject, what do you need (info, help, meet, etc.), when can you be reached with a call-back?

15. DON’T REPLY TO ALL: Don’t use the “reply to all” function. It just makes more emails for everyone else to read, wasting time. Occasionally an embarrassing email goes to someone who shouldn’t get it — and that can cause big trouble.

16. CONSOLIDATE INTO A SMART PHONE: Electronically consolidate all of your calendar, contact information, etc. on a “smart phone” which is backed up to your computer (in case of loss or damage). Preferably choose a smart phone will also do email, text messaging and have web access; most can also serve as a calculator, camera and alarm clock … and more. Print out your calendar and address book once in a while, and put it in a safe place — just in case.

17. SAVE ELECTRICITY: Turn off lights when no one’s around. (It doesn’t cost more to turn lights on and off. It costs more to leave them on). Turn off copiers; unplug chargers, shut down computers over night. All use electricity even when idle. Use compact fluorescent bulbs or the new LED bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs — they use less electricity and pay off in savings over a few years. Use timers (or motion sensor) to turn lights off — or on — when appropriate.

18. SAVE ON ALL UTILITIES: Turn down the thermostat (or up) — one degree makes a difference; 2-3 saves more. In winter, wear heavier clothing; in summer, dress cooler. Use a programmable thermostat-reduce heat and A/C use when gone or sleeping. Reduce water heater temperature settings; run only full loads in washers, dryers & dishwashers. Maintain your HVAC, and it can save you money. A humidifier in winter keeps the air feeling warmer, and reduces health problems due to winter dryness. Maintain furnace filters — change (or clean) them regularly.

19. BUNDLE YOUR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUYS: Negotiate a bundle of your phone & electronic communications. You get a better deal buying Internet, Phone and Data (and cable or satellite TV too, if you need it) from one source. Shop around. Cell phones added to a plan and bundled minutes are very economical. Call and ask for a better deal. If you need to keep a “wired phone line” negotiate that deal too. If they can’t find one, talk to the department that keeps people from switching via price concessions (AT&T’s is called “Retention”).

20. CLIP COUPONS & USE THEM: Use coupons and deals aggressively for office products. Some superstores will begin sending them every month. Other stores will honor them even if expired. Plan your purchases to maximize the savings-but only buy stuff you need. Use affinity plans that give you discounts too. Shop at super-discount places like Aldi Foods that sell house brands or generics. Many are made by major manufacturers and are as good as brand name goods. There are many coupon websites, and most major manufacturers, and some retailers have coupons too.

Finally, smile a lot and keep an upbeat attitude. Make “saving time and money” into “fun.” Give recognition to employees who find new ways of saving money. A “certificate” and praise — in front of peers — are very valuable motivators.

Ways to Reduce Stress Without Spending a Dime

know that money is tight for a lot of us, so I’ve compiled a list of 10 easy and free stress-reducing activities you can do right now to help lower your negative stress levels:

1. Turn off the TV: This might sound obvious but watching the financial news channels all day long will only increase your stress level since they report on the latest downs in the stock market on a minute-by-minute base.

2. Go for a walk: This time of the year is so precious, especially if you live in an area with tons of trees. Take time to reconnect with Mother Nature and take time to escape from all the bad news.

3. Call up a friend: Sometimes, just the fact of spending time with a friend over a cup of coffee or a walk can make a huge difference to the way you feel. Don’t underestimate the power of human contact and friendship when times are difficult.

4. Take advantage of free events: Each city has a list of weekly free activities that are open to the public. Grab a newspaper and find out which ones might interest you and go out there and discover something new!

5. Hang out at your favorite bookstore: This is an activity I’ve always enjoyed so much. You can spend hours just browsing and looking at the latest books. Who knows, this might spark your creative juices!

6. De-clutter your home: Most North Americans have closets and even garages filled with products that they’ve bought and never used. In many cases, a lot of us still have sales tags on items that are just sitting there. This might be the perfect time to clean up your home and organize a garage sale or you take your clothing to secondhand stores. Remember that someone’s junk is someone else’s treasure. Also, because times are tougher, many people will turn to secondhand stores and garage sales to find affordable items for themselves or to give as gifts during the Holidays.

7. Treat yourself to a hot bubble bath by candlelight: This is such a relaxing activity. If you take as little as thirty minutes to soak away your worries, you’ll feel like a new person.

8. Bake your favorite cookies or your favorite cake: Nothing is more comforting than homemade desserts and cookies. Why not take time to make some and take the time to enjoy them. The activity of baking will get your mind off of things and your hands working. Now, you might have to buy a few extra ingredients that you don’t usually store in your pantry, but this stress-reducing activity should not cost you much.

9. Brew a special cup of tea or coffee and sit down in your favorite chair: Grab a book or your favorite hobby magazine and take some “me” time. Even if you’re able to take 30 minutes of “me” time while the kids are away at their piano lessons … this will do you a world of good.

10. Update your photo album: We usually take photos of the happy times we want to remember. By updating your photo album and putting in recent photos you’ve not had the time to file yet, you can be transported to those times where you were happy and smiling. The feeling from this activity will surely lift your spirits and lower your stress levels.

Way to improve English Online

1. Online Dictionaries and Thesauri
eference.com gives you free access to a feature rich online dictionary and a thesaurus to help you out when you can’t figure out what a word means to you. Plus, there are also other alternatives to try out like ‘The Free Dictionary’, etc.

And if you’re just a Google maniac like me, you can fetch the meaning of any word in an instant. Just type define: followed by a word in the Google search box. Press Enter, you get the definition of the word you typed from various sources. (Here’s an example).

If you want good pronunciation references, this site is for you. Howjsay.com has a huge database – type in a word, and hear it instantly pronounced for you.

In case you don’t have an access to the internet on your PC, there are loads of offline dictionary software you can install on your computer and update your vocabulary once in a while.

2.Read News
My English Teachers always advise us to listen to news and read a lot of news everyday. If you’re bored to read news traditionally, there’s the web to the rescue. Hundreds of sites report on developments across the world, but usually people prefer BBC and CNN.

You can always pour get the latest news mailed to you everday, or even use RSS to keep yourself updated on the happenings.

Side by side, you can also learn a lot of new terms and words that’ll enrich your knowledge.

3.Listen to news, radio and podcasts

Youtube is the latest craze, but Youtube isn’t just a repository of all the junk. It does have lots of good videos on education, and speech training. You can always go search and watch interesting ones.

The BBC also has one minute news updated every hour on its site. Besides special video coverage on specific news stories is also available for you to watch.

You can even listen to radio on the internet, streamed to your computer. You’ll find a lot of music centred radio stations, but surely there must be a few talking on useful stuff like education. iTunes is a good player supporting

Besides multimedia news and live radio, you also have something called Podcasts.

Education related podcasts are wide spread, there are always loads of free podcasts you can download and listen to on your computer or your portable device.

One of my favourites is the Grammar Girl podcast where the ‘Grammar Girl’ gives you English Grammar tips everday.

Just Vocabulary podcasts present synonyms, antonyms and example sentences in a short audio file for people who might be taking SAT, TOEFL and other such exams.

All these can help you improve your accent!

4.A Word a Day

Now, this is a very popular tradition. Wordsmith.org is one of the world’s most subscribed newsletters. Everday, the website features a word and you can get to know about its etymology, pronunciation and more.

What Chefs do when they are bored. Very, very creative !!


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Make A Wish

Dear Friends,

When you see this picture, that mean GOOD LUCK are come knock your door!!!
This picture angles will help to fulfill your WISH and you can make 3 wish only,
Must be sincerly and the WISH will more easy come true!!

Thailand Panda...






Put A Smile On Your Face... Make The World Better

> Put A Smile On Your Face... Make The World Better
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> //
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Wedding Dinner in China

Saturday, September 26, 2009

<千萬不要上當> "马来西亚最近很流行的诈骗手法" 一定要看!!!!

如果你們發現手機業者發出因系統維護請配合關機一小時等內容的簡訊,千萬不要上當 !!!




Look a likes....

Friday, September 25, 2009

restoran aneh

1. Toilet Restaurant ( TAIWAN )

Marton Theme Restaurant, di Kaohsiung ( Taiwan ) menyediakan nuansa TOILET bagi pelanggannya. Dekorasi ruangan, kursi dan tempat makan yg digunakan persis seperti di toilet. Meja dibuat seperti bathtub, dan makanan yg disediakan diletakkan di piring dan mangkuk yg didesain seperti toilet duduk. Makanan yg disajikan di sini tidak hanya enak, tapi juga memberikan sensasi sendiri bagi pengunjungnya.

Japanese Fear Factor, Prize money : 1 billion Yen

Thursday, September 24, 2009

CHINA GymnasticTraining‏


醫生:請你不用緊張,這裡是婦產科,絕不會對你有任何侵犯的。婦人半信半疑的脫去了上衣,醫生用他的手在婦人的胸部上摸摸,下摸摸,左搓搓,右揉揉。 對這婦人說:難怪BABY會營養不良,妳根本就沒有母乳嘛!


在森林里,他手指著树说:“ 这是树。“
酋长看著树跟著说 :“ 树。“
再走几步传教士手指著石头说:“ 这是石头。“酋长听了后,说 :“ 石头。“
于是传教士就说:“ 骑车。“
酋长回说:“ 我的车。

一 个专养乳牛的牧场,为了维持牧场内牛只的数量,在母牛群中放养了一只公的乳牛。 但是时间久了,这只公牛也老了,开始有点力不从心,于是牧场的主人又买了一 只新 的公牛来担任维持牛只数量的工作。至于那只老公牛,由于过去数年来,它没有功劳也有苦劳,所以主人还是继续放它在母牛群里逍遥。有一天,主人去巡视牧场, 看见 老公牛气喘嘘嘘地趴在草地上。牧场主人走近说:你年纪大了就收敛一 点,不要作这么多。老公牛一脸无辜的说:你难道不能告诉那只新来的,我不是母牛 !

某推销 员向法官请求提出强制离婚,法官问他原因。推销员说:“我因为工作的关系,一个星期有五天不在家,自然对太太有所歉意,所以便想利用整个周末补偿她!!! 但一个星期六,当我们在那 张会嘎嘎做响的床上做爱时……忽然!!……隔壁的老太太用力敲着墙壁, 并大喊着‘你们有完没完!!!一个星期有七天!!!你们就不能休息一天吗???’”

这只狗的鼻子的确不错,只见它不畏漫天大火,左去右回三十秒,相当迅速地叼来女警挂在衣橱里最粗最长的那根警棍 ...

1.不可以打她 2.不可以离开她 3.要很会干那档事
隔日,有个没手没脚的男人来找她,寡妇问他符合什麽条件? 他说:“你看,我没手不能打你;我没脚不能离开你;至於那档事吗......你想想我刚刚是用什麽敲门的。”

小 强牵着他的母牛和新生的小牛,准备拿到市场上去卖,不幸在路上被一群强盗洗劫,强盗打了小强一顿后,不仅脱光了他的衣服,还把他绑在一棵树上,还把母牛也 带走,只留下那只小牛。可怜的小强,就这样被绑在树上站了三天三夜,又冷又饿。幸好第四天一名中年妇人路过,帮小强松了绑,只见小强一得自由之后,马上捡 起地上的木棍拼命捧那只小牛。中年妇人便骂小强说:你干什么啊?虐待它啊?小强说:这三天来,我不断跟这头该死的畜生说,我不是你妈妈,我不是你妈 妈。。。它还是吸个不停!!

妻子的空位 (The irreplaceable void)


A story worth sharing


4 years ago, an accident took my beloved away and very often I wonder, how does my wife, who is now in the heavenly realm, feel right now? She must be feeling extremely sad for leaving a husband who is incapable to taking care of the house and the kid. 'cos that is the exact feeling that I have, as I feel that I have failed to provide for the physical and emotional needs of my child, and failed to be the dad and mum for my child.

There was one particular day, when I had an emergency at work. Hence, I had to leave home whilst my child was still sleeping. So thinking that there was still rice leftovers, I hastily cooked an egg and left after informing my sleepy child.


With the double roles, I am often exhausted at work as well as when I am home. So after a long day, I came home, totally drained of all energy. So with just a brief hug and kiss for my child, I went straight into the room, skipping dinner. However, when I jumped into my bed with intention of just having a well-deserved sleep, all i heard and felt was broken porcelain and warm liquid! I flipped open my blanket, and there lies the source of the 'problem'... a broken bowl with instant noodles and a mess on the bedsheet and blanket!

Boy, was I mad! I was so furious that I took a clothes hanger, charged straight at my child who was happily playing with his toy, and give him a good spanking! He merely cried but not asking for mercy, except a short explanation:


"Dad, I was hungry and there wasn't anymore leftover rice. But you were not back yet, hence I wanted to cook some instant noodles. But I remembered you reminding me not to touch or use the gas stove without any adults around, hence I turned on the shower and used the hot water from the bathroom to cook the noodles. One is for you and the other is for me. However, I was afraid that the noodles will turn cold, so I hid it under the blanket to keep it warm till you return. But I forgot to remind you 'cos I was playing with my toys...I am sorry Dad..."


At that moment, tears were starting to run down my cheeks...but I didn't want my son to see his dad crying so I dashed into the bathroom and cried with the shower head on to mask my cries. After that episode, I went towards my son to give him a tight hug and applied medication on him, while coaxing him to sleep. Then, it was time to clear up the mess on the bed. When everything was done and well past midnight, I passed my son's room, and saw that he was still crying, not from the pain on his little buttock, but from looking at the photograph of his beloved mummy.


A year has passed since the episode, I have tried, in this period, to focus on giving him both the love of his dad and mum, and to attend to most of his needs. And soon, he is turning seven, and will be graduating from kindergarten. Fortunately, the incident did not leave a lasting impression on his childhood memories and he is still happily growing up.


However, not so long ago, I hit my boy again, with much regret. This time, his kindergarten teacher called, informing me of my son's absence from school. I took off early from work and went home, expecting him to explain. But he wasn't to be found, so I went around our house, calling out his name and eventually found him outside a stationery shop, happily playing computer games. I was fuming, brought him home and whack the hell out of him. He did not retaliate, except to say, 'I am sorry, Dad'. But after much probing, I realized that it was a 'Talent Show' organized by his school and the invite is for every student's mummy. And that was the reason for his absence as he has no mummy.....


Few days after the caning, my son came home to tell me, the kindergarten has recently taught him how to read and write. Since then, he has kept to himself and stayed in his room to practise his writing, which I am sure, would make my wife proud, if she was still around. 'cos he makes me proud too!


Time passes by very quickly, and soon another year has passed. It's winter, and its Christmas time. Everywhere the christmas spirit is in every passer-by...Christmas carols and frantic shoppers....but alas, my son got into another trouble. When I was about to knock off from the day's work, the post office called. Due to the peak season, the post master was also on an edgy mood. He called to tell me that my son has attempted to post several letters with no addressee. Although I did make a promise never to hit my son again, I couldn't help but to hit him as I feel that this child of mine is really beyond control. Once again, as before, he apologized, ' I'm sorry, Dad' and no additional reason to explain. I pushed him towards a corner, went to the post office to collect the letters with no addressee and came home, and angrily questioned my son on his prank, during this time of the year.

His answer, amidst his sobbing, was : The letters were for Mummy.


My eyes grew teary, but I tried to control my emotions and continued to ask him: " But why did u post so many letters, at one time?" My son's reply was: " I have been writing to mummy for a long time, but each time I reach out for the post box, it was too high for me, hence I was not able to post the letters. But recently, when I went back to the postbox, I could reach it and I sent it all at once..."


After hearing this, I was lost. Lost at not knowing what to do, what to say.....

I told my son, " Son, mummy is in the heavenly kingdom, so in future, if you have anything to tell her, just burn the letter and it will reach mummy. My son, on hearing this, was much pacified and calm, and soon after, he was sleeping soundly. On promising that I will burn the letters on his behalf, I brought the letters outside, but couldnt help opening the letter before they turn to ash.


And one of the letters broke my heart....


Dear Mummy,

I miss you so much! Today, there was a 'Talent Show' in school, and the school invited all mothers for the show. But you are not around, so I did not want to participate as well. I did not tell Dad about it as I was afraid that Dad would start to cry and miss you all over again. Dad went around looking for me, but in order to hide my sadness, I sat in front of the computer and started playing games at one of the shops. Dad was furious, and he couldnt help it but scolded and hit me, but I did not tell him the real reason. Mummy, everyday I see Dad missing you and whenever he think of you, he is so sad and often hide and cry in his room. I think we both miss you very very much. Too much for our own good I think. But Mummy, I am starting to forget your face. Can you please appear in my dreams so that I can see your face and remember you? I heard that if you fall asleep with the photograph of the person whom you miss, you will see the person in your dreams. But mummy, why havent you appear?

Look at how far twisting balloons has come

These would be HOT Derby dresses!!!!...But you already know somebody would start trying to pop them

測 驗 你 是 否 是 個 甜 美 漂 亮 或 有 趣 的 人

現 在 , 準 備 一 張 紙 和 一 支 筆 , 選 出 下 列 選 項 ( 一 題 一 個 )
注 意 不 可 以 往 下 跳 著 看 否 則 會 不 準 唷 ~

1. 寫 出 以 下 選 項 中 你 最 喜 歡 的 顏 色
紅 , 橘 , 黃 , 綠 , 藍

2. 寫 出 以 下 選 項 中 你 最 喜 歡 的 動 物
狗 , 貓 , 兔 , 虎 , 魚

3. 寫 出 以 下 選 項 中 你 最 喜 歡 的 花
玫 瑰 , 鬱 金 香

4. 寫 出 以 下 選 項 中 你 會 選 擇 聽 誰 的 音 樂

5. 寫 出 以 下 選 項 中 你 會 選 擇 去 哪 裡 杜 蜜 月:
夏 威 夷 , 紐 約

6.寫 出 以 下 選 項 中 你 會 選 擇 看 哪 一 部 電 影

7. 寫 下 一 位 異 性 的 名 字(馬上想到的那個唷!)

8. 寫 下 現 在 的 時 間

9. 寫 下 你 的 年 齡

10.不 用 寫 出 來 但 許 個 願 吧!

* * * * * 解 答 * 解 答 * 解 答 * * * * *

紅 = 羅 曼 蒂 克
橘 = 活 潑
黃 = 孩 子 氣
綠 = 古 怪
藍 = 獨 特

貓 = 氣 質
狗 = 冷 靜
兔 = 孩 子 氣
虎 = 強 壯
魚 = 無 聊

玫 瑰 = 甜 美 貼 心
鬱 金 香 = 古 怪

飛輪海 = 漂 亮
黑澀會美眉 = 甜 美 , 貼 心
棒棒堂 = 有 趣

夏 威 夷 = 羅 曼 蒂 克
紐 約 = 獨 特

愛情片= 甜 美 , 貼 心
喜劇 = 有 趣

7.你 寫 下 的 這 個 人 會 喜 歡 上 你

8.你 必 須 在 這 段 時 間 內 將 這 封 信 轉 寄 出 去
(例: 5:15=5小時又15分鐘)



11.若你實行了8, 9&10 ~願望就會實現

Eggy Eggs funny



在爱情的经营中,顺畅运转的要素就是沟通、体谅、包容与自制 (面临诱惑有






Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It means..

> It's mean..
> Do you know what is family?
> Do you really understand what is behind the word family?
> It gives me a shock when I know the answer.
> So long I never realize I don't know the real
> Meaning of family..........
> Here Is The Answer ........... FAMILY =
> (F)ather
> (A)nd
> (M)other
> (I)
> (L)ove
> (Y)ou
> WHY does a man want to have a WIFE? Because:
> (W)ashing
> (I)roning
> (F)ood
> (E)ntertainment
> WHY does a woman want to have a HUSBAND?
> because:
> (H)ousing
> (U)nderstanding
> (S)haring
> (B)uying
> (A)nd
> (N)ever
> (D)emanding
> Do you know that a simple 'HELLO' can be a sweet one?
> Especially from your love one. (I mean not only from the boyfriend/girlfriend).
> The word HELLO means :
> (H)ow are you?
> (E)verything all right?
> (L)ike to hear from you
> (L)ove to see you soon!
> (O)bviously, I miss you ..

House Has A Beach (Must see)in dubai

Just emerging if tsunami comes this place....oh my god.......... god bless this peoples.

this really beautiful and lovely place....

The Banana Test‏

There was a very, very tall coconut tree and there are 4 animals

A Squirrel

A Giraffe

A Chimpanzee

A Lion

who pass by..
They decide to compete to see who is the fastest to pluck a banana off the tree.
Who do you guess will win?
Your answer will reflect your personality.
So think carefully .... Try and answer within 30 seconds

Got your answer?

Now scroll down to see the analysis.

If your answer is:

Lion = you're dull.
Chimpanzee = you're a moron.
Giraffe = you're a complete idiot.
Squirrel = you're just hopelessly stupid.


Obviously you're stressed and overworked.
You should take some time off and relax!
Try again next year.

Take more breaks, laugh, laugh some more, and pass on laughter to others... it gets us through our days!